

Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Scheme for Radiographers

All registered radiographers are subject to the mandatory CPD scheme.  Each CPD cycle will span 3 calendar years and the first cycle is from 1/7/2024 to 30/6/2027.  At least 30 CPD points are required to be attained in a cycle but there is no minimum annual requirement.

Radiographers Board may randomly select the registrants for audit check.  Failure to comply may be deemed as professional misconduct.

Reminder on Renewal of Annual Practicing Certificate for 2024/2025

All the annual practicing certificates are due for renewal on 1 July 2024.  Therefore those registered radiographers who have so far failed to apply to the Radiographers Board for the renewal of their annual practicing certificates should do so immediately and in any case not later than 30 June 2024.  Otherwise, their names will be liable to be removed from the register of radiographers.

Mandatory Reporting for Child Abuse


Invitation to Child Protection Online Training (Webinar) by Health Bureau

The First Webinar

Date: 27 June 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Topic: Helping children whose health or development is impaired due to long-term absence from school


1) Social Worker of Family and Child Protective Services Unit from Social Welfare Department

2) Inspectors of Non-attendance Cases Team from Education Bureau

3) Community Psychiatric Nurse of Community Psychiatric Service from Hospital Authority

Quota: 500 (on first-come-first-serve basis)



The first webinar will be open for user enrollment on 5 June 2024 (Wednesday) at 10:00 a.m. and close for enrollment on 20 June 2024 (Thursday) at 10:00 a.m.  The details of the upcoming webinars will be announced in the e-learning platform in due course.  The "Child Protection Online Training" is free of charge.  The webinar will be conducted in Cantonese.  Please enroll and participate in the Webinar through the following website:


We look forward to your participation!  If you have questions related to the registration for the "Child Protection Online Training", please feel free to send email to

Are You DoseWise?  2015 Radiographer of the Year Contest Is Now Open!

In recognition of dose-conscious radiographers and to support radiation dose management awareness, the ISRRT is giving one radiographer the opportunity to become the ISRRT DoseWise Radiographer of the Year, encouraging radiographers from around the world to share best practices.  The selected Radiographer of the Year will be invited to present their case at RSNA 2015 to the Radiology Advisory board hosted by Philips.

The contest is now open for entry until September 30, 2015.  Any practicing radiographer who is a citizen of an ISRRT Member Country or an Associate Member of the ISRRT is eligible for participating.  Go to for official rules, full details, and entry form.

HKRTA now meets you at FACEBOOK.

Introducing the new ISR Educational Global Outreach Effort

GO RAD: Global Outreach Radiology


GO RAD is a new global outreach program developed by the International Society of Radiology.  The purpose is to reach out to and advance radiology education throughout a global radiology community by aggregating current, practical, radiology literature with content targeted and dedicated to developing nations and underserved populations.  You can find open (free) access to a growing collection of selected, current, practical, radiology articles, courtesy of the ISR and some of the world's most prestigious radiology journals.  We sincerely hope that you find this effort of great value.  Please tell your colleagues!

Centre for Health Protection Strategic Plan 2010-2014


The newly published "Centre for Health Protection Strategic Plan 2010-2014" is now available on the Centre for Health Protection website at for your perusal.


The Hospital Authority has launched a knowledge management tool, e-Knowledge Gateway (eKG), to support evidence-based clinical practice and professional development for Hong Kong healthcare professionals.


Please visit the following website for details and application.

In order to cope with the continuing professional development (CPD) scheme proposed by the Government, The Association will keep a list of records of functions held from 2005 onwards.  Members can self-check the related details.

The list can be viewed under the "Functions Review" web-page.

Companies Carrying on the Business of the Profession of Radiographers

Pursuant to section 20(3) of the Supplementary Medical Professions Ordinance, Chapter 359, Laws of Hong Kong, companies registered under the Companies Ordinance, Chapter 32, carrying on business of the profession of radiographers are required to transmit a statement in the prescribed form containing particulars of their directors and staff to the Radiographers Board within 14 days after 1 July each year.

The prescribed forms are obtainable at the Secretariat of Radiographers Board at 2/F, Shun Feng International Centre, 182 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong or through the internet at

Maximum Level of Relevant Income for MPF Contributions

The Legislative Council has passed the amendment of the maximum level of relevant income for Mandatory Provident Fung (MPF) mandatory contributions, effective 1 June 2012.

For contribution periods commencing on and after 1 June 2012, employees and their employers as well as self-employed persons should make their MPF contributions according to the new level.

For details, please visit through the internet at

Please be notified that the e-mail address of The HKRTA has been changed to

Please update your record accordingly.


Thank you for the attention.

